Color meanings -
Every one of us have his favorite colour and colours carry lots of meanings with them. Yes , colours do effects our lives for both youngsters and adults.
Example -
If you had to give an option for your 5-Year old daughter to choose between a pink bag vs a blue one she would probably go for the pink version as it is more 'girlish'
As for us adults , if we were to buy a car we would be very careful and think what suits us most and what colour we imagine us driving, Why not Pink? "Too 'girlish'" . Why not Yellow ? 'It's Ugly!' . So yes, colours do have control over such things in our lives!
Here is an example of companies and businesses that use colours at their advantage -
Lister below are few meanings of the colours -
- Romantic
- Commanding
- Hot
- Alert
- Fun
- Burning
- Cozy
- helpful
- active
- inspiring
- Curious
- Coward
- ill
- bright
- Lucky
- Patient
- Relaxed
- balanced
- Technical
- free
- protective
- cold
- peaceful
- Fantastic
- Royal
- Luxurious
- Intelligent